Sunday, 3:27pm. day....
So what's new?
So much...The latest and most obvious to me is how comfortable I feel in Kabul now.
I am comfortable. I feel at home.
My Vietnam keeps beating inside of me but not in a painful way, just as a part of me as much as Honduras is.
Life is interesting, I have many good laughs, I do work I enjoy, I get to teach design, I get to design handmade products,
I am learning Dari(Persian) and I have many wonderful trips planned ahead.
This Wednesday I leave to Herat, a town up north, close to Iran. I'll be there a week. I'll give 2 workshops: Elements of Design and Color Theory. My lovely Nasreen Jaan will come with me, she is the person I am closest to and she has filled my days with the best of whole-hearted good laughter.
Then there's Asif, who is a male version of me, personality-wise so we just spend work days cracking up at each other. He is my newest spanish student. And it's amazing to me how seriously he has taken it, he studies every night and makes me feel bad when the next day he knows stuff I should already know in dari...I guess at the same time it's a challenge to keep pushing forward with Dari.
I miss speaking Vietnamese, but Dari is definately a language I enjoy learning.
I'm still at the CIPE compound, right now it's just 70-year-old Ralph and me. But I do leave on Wendesday for a week, come back for 2 days and then my so longed-for-trip to England arrives and immediately after it my long-sought dream: India!!!
New Delhi and Rajasthan.
Ryan is still in Milan. Enjoying love and beauty...
Cristina left about 4 days ago. She's back in Rumania, though I'm pretty sure she'll make it back somehow.
Love is in the air between CIPE and our Design Center....yuhuuu!!!
Lima, our marketing director and Omaid, CIPE's grant officer are in love and have just gotten engaged. We've had a good laugh about it as know we can speak of a permanent collaboration between ATA and CIPE : P
The Design Center is AWESOME!!! We all rock! I think we just make a great professional, forward-thinking team, as well as the informal side, we get along, we joke too much and I just spend the day laughing, my kinda-work.
So I'm good. If you are worried about me, please don't be. I have a good life.
God is forever the utmost graceful-gentleman and I feel so fortunate to always be on the receiving end of His graceful blessings.
Thank you for your love and emails.