Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving day (according to Afghan time ) and I want to give my thanks.
I'm thinking, reminiscing on all I have lived and I am so full of gratitute for the people I have come across in
my life as I have travelled so many roads in so many places.

I am thankful for Victoria, my dear friend, you have filled my life with wisdom and real experiences.
I am thankful for my Vietnamese kids, Lisa, Chi Hoa an her girls, Loan, Julie, Chom Chom, Chi and her family, Chung, Dung, Lucky girl, Thao-Al frescos girl, Malou, Bora, Sara, Ning Ning, Ate Neph, the Jing's, the whole small group, and on and on and on.
Though I don't email you often, you must know I carry you all in my heart. My heart is full of pockets and each pocket holds you pinned close to my heart. What I lived in Vietnam has made me a stronger, more loving person, a woman who understands other cultures and so enjoys the differences and similarities from culture to culture. Thank you for walking with me all the years I was there and for continuing our walk even though I am physically distant. Spiritually I walk with you every day from the start of the morning, and I see you in my memories all the time.

Now, living in this new place, encountering new people, cultures and places I am filled with gratitude for the people who have embraced me as their own.
Nasreencita and her family, Dani, my latin sister, Asif jan-yes I have met my match when it comes to teasing, Ryan and all my wonderful women-lions(Soraia, Baknazira, Shaima, Hanifa, Mariam, Nassima and Jaya).
Life in Afghanistan fills my cup even though I am so far away from my family and the friends I was used to having around me.
Lonely nights in Kabul are worth every sigh because when the morning comes I get to be with you all.

Then there is my family. I've spent a lot of time thinking about my father and my mother while in Afghanistan. I am so thankful for my dad's dedication as a father, he tried his best to have us be responsible, smart, ethical adults. My mother devoted her time to developing our spiritual life, and teaching us how to draw near to God. Between the two I receive so much support. They are my cheerleading team. I know you did your best.
Mi Karlita, Dan, Dahlia and Emilia, you are the family I admire, the kind of family I hope to also have.
My nieces fill my cup to no end.
Laura, Gonzi and upcoming niece, you fill my life with grace, you teach me that God's grace endures forever.
Gonzi you are the little boy that has filled our family with so much pride, and now you get to be a big brother, I am so thankful for your beautiful heart.
Cavi, I can't wait to hug you. I want my bear hugs as soon as I arrive. Two years away from you has been to long and I dream of seeing you, I have missed you so.

Belkis, mi amiguita del alma, we keep walking. Thank you for your love all these years I have been gone from Honduras.
Mis tias, Marta y Pia, las amo. Thank you for being involved in every single thing that happens in our family.

You are all loved, and I know I am very very loved because all of you fill my cup with blessings, experiences, grace and love.
I can't wait to see each one of you whenever God allows me to be with you once again.
Until then continue celebrating the joys of life, the daily blessings we encounter and pass them on, never cease to pass them on.
My heart full of pockets is bursting at the seams on this thanksgiving day.
May the peace, grace and love of God abound in each of us.

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