Sunday, November 25, 2007

Amidst Chaos

Today was a major moving around day. This is the week to set up everything for our famous Holiday Market.
I barely slept last night, can't figure out why exactly but today being the first crazy day I couldn't feel more tired with no sleep
and running around like a crazy chicken with no head.
I also have this heaviness in me knowing that after the Hols market I have 10 days in Kabul and it could be the end of my life here.
So far I can't seem to grasp what that means. How will I cope? How will we tell the amazing women I work with that we must leave and that our design center will have a major shift?
Maybe that's exactly why I couldn't sleep.
Guess that's what blogging does to you, clears things up for you.
The generator is about to go off so I better head out the door.
More blogging coming up...

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